Weekly Update Oct. 21st-25th

Weekly Update
October 21, 2019
E Day
We have art.
Homework: Do math fact practice sheet and read/ explain the
syllable pattern on your word list.
Math Game Bags were sent home today.
F Day
We have gym. 
Homework: Complete the word work worksheet. 
A Day
We have music. Late Start Morning. See you at 9:25.  
Homework: Math bags due tomorrow.
B Day
We have library, SEL, and art.
Homework: Read on RAZ. ???? 
C Day
We have art.  The book order will be placed today at 9:15 a.m.
Pumpkin Character Creation Day 10:30-11:30 a.m.            
Homework: We do not have homework.

Word Work: Our class will be learning about adding inflected endings 
to -VCe syllable patterns.  We will learn to drop the e before adding the 
endings -ed and -ing. Examples: bake, baked, baking / hope, hoped, hoping.  We
will also review our closed syllable pattern and the 1+1+1 rule when adding -ed and -ing.  

Papers Coming Home: Papers coming home will be graded in one of two ways. If it is homework, it will have a check minus, check , or check plus depending on the number wrong and neatness. Otherwise papers will have a 3,2, or 1 which correlates to meets expectation, progressing towards the expectation or below expectation. Please let me know if you have any questions.
Pumpkin Characters:  Our second grade classes will be creating pumpkin story
characters on Friday, Oct. 25th. Students will be drawing their characters on paper
and making a list of craft materials needed this coming week.  If you can help us by
sending in a package of straight pins or any kind of  craft materials on or before our
creation date it would be helpful.  A $1.00 donation would be appreciated to
help offset the cost of the pumpkins. If this is a hardship, please know your child
will be given a pumpkin.  

We would also love to have a few parent volunteers to assist students in their
creations during our Daily Five Time from 10:30 - 11:30 a.m.  Please let me know
if you will be able to join us.

Mark Your Calendar: 
Sarett Nature Center - Thursday, March 19th 9:30 - 11:00 a.m.
SB Carousel, Bluff Walk, and Memorial Day Parade - Friday, May 22nd 9:00 - 12:30 a.m.

Upcoming Dates
Late Start 
Picture Retake Day
Silver Beach Give Back Night for Lincoln School
Late Start
Makers Day / Halloween Party


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