Bead jar & pumpkin characters

Image result for celebration

The bead jar is filled.  In celebration, we will be taking advantage of popcorn day and adding a 

pajama day, bring something soft like a stuffed animal, and a movie.  The movie is the Box Car 

Children.  We just finished reading the book so we will have an opportunity to compare and 

contrast how characters which goes along with our reading theme of character analysis.  I will 

also have Capri Suns for the children.  Email me with any questions.  Thank you.

                                                Image result for cartoon pumpkin
Pumpkin character building is tomorrow from 10:30-11:30.  The children have drawn their 

character and mapped out the supplies they need.  If you would like to come be a part of the fun 

children creating with paper, glue, pins, and so much more, we would love to have you here.  

Thank you!!


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